The American Family Children’s Hospital is a beautiful, world-class children’s medical and surgical center with a pediatric intensive care unit, a widely recognized transplant surgery program, a children’s cancer center, and a family-friendly atmosphere. Named a Best Children’s Hospital in 6 specialties by US News and World Report, this modern, yet comforting facility offers patients and families access to cutting-edge treatments in a very soothing environment optimal for healing. We are a full-service, comprehensive children’s hospital, caring for the sickest and most seriously injured infants, children, and adolescents. Our patients are referred from throughout Wisconsin, the United States, and beyond. In addition, we have a strong local primary care network and child health advocacy program that is essential in maintaining and promoting good health and well-being for kids of all ages.
How charitable gifts help
Donate to the American Family Children's Hospital
Your support will help continue the tradition of excellence in teaching, research, and public service.
Make a GiftAmerican Family Children’s Hospital is charity that is part of University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, a 501 (c) (3) organization. Because the hospital operates without any state subsidy, we must rely on charitable giving to serve all of the patients and families that need us.
Charitable gifts are always needed to support these goals:
- Adding more critical care beds and operating rooms
- Enhancing Child Life programs that let kids be kids while in the hospital
- Supporting programs to help prevent and treat childhood injuries, child abuse, and obesity
- Easing the burden of having a hospitalized child by providing sibling care, meals, and gas cards
- Supporting cutting-edge research to find more cures for childhood diseases
For more information
- 608-264-KIDS
- [email protected]

Sick Kids Can’t Wait
Every Child Deserves a Great Children’s Hospital
Since opening in 2007, nearly 500,000 patient visits have taken place in our hospital or at our pediatric clinics. By 2015, the number of children we care for as inpatients is expected to be nearly 50 percent higher than the day we opened. Now the time has come to respond to the ever-growing demand for our services. Donors like you have made it possible to care for the thousands of kids from across Wisconsin and nearly every state. Join us and help ensure the needs of our children and grandchildren will continue to receive the very highest level of care.