If you’ve driven up old University Avenue, you’ve probably noticed the four-story, silver UW Foundation building at 1848 University Avenue. It became the Foundation’s home September 26, 1994.
Here’s the rest of the story:
- The address number, 1848, represents the year Wisconsin Governor Nelson Dewey signed the act that formally created the UW-Madison.
- Kenton Peters (1954 BS BUS), well-known for his modern taste, designed the building.
- The aluminum composite skin was chosen to relate compatibly with campus to the north and the historic University Heights neighborhood to the south. A sloped roof, small window openings and mostly underground parking also relate to the neighborhood feel.
- The exterior – a five-layer sandwich of polyurethane paint, aluminum, plastic polymer core, aluminum and paint – also is easily cleaned.
- The mass of the building is presented in a number of small elements to reduce the scale and avoid an institutional character.