Tag: college of engineering

Have a Seat

A gift from Gary C. Wendt means additional sections of popular courses in the Wisconsin School of Business for non-business majors.

Oregon State Visitors Get Badger Welcome

UW Foundation’s Corporate and Foundation Relations Department presented an overview of corporate relations on the UW-Madison campus and Madison community to visiting Oregon State University (OSU) personnel.

Boeing Support Boosts Students, National Science Olympiad

For the past 25 years, corporate philanthropy from The Boeing Company has benefitted UW-Madison. This generous history continued in 2011, with a grant for $5,000 for undergraduate Boeing Scholarships in the College of Engineering and $5,000 to support the National Science Olympiad hosted by the University in 2011.

Nuclear Engineering in the Field

Bascom Hill Society members and guests were keenly interested in Professor of Engineering Michael L. Corradini‘s presentation on nuclear engineering and the reactor disaster in Japan.