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Parents’ FAQ

What is the Parents Fund? It is a general fund that meets specific student needs on campus, including career development, classroom enhancement, research opportunities, and student organizations โ€” all the things that make the UW a world-class place to learn. Who gives to the Parents Fund? The university relies on the generosity of alumni, parents,… Read more »

Hawks Soars

In one of 2015โ€™s most celebrated discoveries, anthropologists found the remains of a new hominid species in a cave in South Africa, and UWโ€“Madison had a role in that find.

Solid State

Through Project 72, WFAA shares some of the myriad ways in which UWโ€“Madison and Wisconsin continue to shape each other.

Thank You, 72

With gratitude, Project 72 shows Wisconsin what the state and its university have made possible.