Wisconsin School of Business: Redefining Education

As part of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s campus-wide focus on educational innovation, the Wisconsin School of Business is looking at new approaches to teaching by strengthening programs, leveraging excellence in experiential learning and expanding the reach of its best researchers.

The School’s Innovation Fund, which is underwritten by 10 School of Business alumni and the Wisconsin Real Estate Alumni Association, each of whom have invested $300,000, is funding several priorities to enhance the student experience. The fund provides resources needed to consult with experts in curriculum and instructional design and to acquire the required technology for delivery. Current projects include a comprehensive curriculum review currently under way that will enhance every undergraduate- and graduate-level degree program and major.

Dean François Ortalo-Magné has challenged faculty and staff to clarify the benefits of an on-campus university education by articulating specific learning outcomes for students to achieve on five dimensions: Knowing, Doing, Being, Inspiring and Networking. The result is KDBIN, an unlikely acronym that is redefining business education. It includes the familiar “Knowing” or learning facts and concepts, and “Doing,” using that information. Students also are expected to have measurable results in “Being,” “Inspiring” and “Networking.” “‘Being,’ or the understanding of who they are and how their values mesh with their profession, is especially critical for students,” said Suzanne Dove, special assistant to the dean.
