Thanks to a recent $100,000 gift from the Mental Insight Foundation of Sonoma, California, the Center for Healthy Minds (CHM) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Waisman Center will be able to continue significant new studies.
Through the grant, CHM will actively pursue “Evaluating Integrative Treatments for Veterans with PTSD Using State-of-the-Art Brain Imaging.” Preliminary results of translational research for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at CHM continue to be promising.
The CHM employs hard-nosed basic and translational scientific research to help pave the way toward widespread adoption of practices to nourish positive qualities of mind throughout society.
CHM’s project for children, “Investigating the Impact of Prosocial Skills Training in Early Education,” uses a mindfulness-based curriculum that shows improvements in attention and increases in pro-social behaviors. CHM is now poised to build on the pilot results by being able to increase sample sizes, make adjustments in the curriculum and fine-tune measures. This will allow the Center to publish results based on the strong scientific rigor necessary to make a real impact.
The Mental Insight Foundation, whose mission is to assist people in developing healthier mental attitudes and to promote meaningful insights into the human mind, has provided ongoing support to the important and innovative translational research that Dr. Richard Davidson has spearheaded at CHM.