Tag: wisconsin school of business

The Buck Stops Here

Most economists don’t debate the purpose of money. But Ray B. Zemon Chair in Liquid Assets Professor Randall Wright of the Wisconsin School of Business isn’t like most economists.

PwC Invests in the Future of Accounting

It all adds up for the Wisconsin School of Business when PwC matches partner and staff contributions for a $1.1 million gift toward the future of accounting education.

Wisconsin School of Business: Redefining Education

The Wisconsin School of Business Innovation Fund is providing the funding needed for the School to explore new approaches to teaching as part of the campus effort to focus on educational innovation.

Tax Program Helps Working Poor

Thanks to a free tax preparation program, families across the country claim deserved deductions and receive student aid.

Acknowledging a Mentor’s Guidance

After seeing their son excel with help of a faculty mentor, Stew and Deb Stender made a gift that will help students at the Wisconsin School of Business.