Tag: school of veterinary medicine

Teacher Made Final Gifts from the Heart

UW-Madison alumna Martha Pavcek taught grade school in the Milwaukee area. She made one gift of $50 to her alma mater while she was alive. After her death in 2009, Pavcek’s estate made a gift of more than $2.7 million to be divided evenly between support for stem cell research and veterinary medical students.

Gifts Bring TomoTherapy to Pets

Thanks to private support, the first veterinary application of TomoTherapy is available in the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine’s new Radiation Therapy Clinic. Dogs and cats are benefitting from the treatment that allows veterinarians to pinpoint a tumor before radiation therapy begins.

Lessons in Leadership: Learn, Understand, Value

As a professor and chair of the Department of Comparative Biosciences in the School of Veterinary Medicine, Gordon Mitchell sees the benefits of animal research firsthand- including benefits that save human lives.

The Power of an Endowment

“Doc Sobey,” as Dr. Sobey Okuyama was called, never married and had no children but he thought about future generations and wanted his money to go where it would do the most good. His wishes have been fulfilled, perhaps beyond his imagination.