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Website Search Results

Thank You for Supporting Students Like Marianne and Suchi

When we work together to improve a life, we can improve the future. Below, watch messages from two students about their educational experiences and how your support has made a difference — not only to them, but also to their peers.  Whenever a Badger has risen to a challenge, explored new perspectives, or even saved… Read more »

People and Programs Campaign a Big Winner for School of Pharmacy

MADISON – The University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy raised more than $22 million in its six-year People and Programs Campaign, topping its goal of $18 million. “Our donors and their most generous gifts have laid the groundwork for a very bright future,” says Jeanette Roberts, dean of the school. “We have received critical support… Read more »

School of Veterinary Medicine

  The University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, dedicated to advancing animal and human health with science and compassion, is one of only 32 schools of veterinary medicine in the United States. It ranks consistently among the top eight veterinary medical schools in the nation for its excellence in clinical training, biomedical research, and… Read more »

Wisconsin Center for Academically Talented Youth

Wisconsin Center for Academically Talented Youth (WCATY) a University of Wisconsin–Madison outreach suite of programs, is an inclusive community of academically talented youth supported by educators, UW researchers, and advocates who recognize and cultivate students’ potential. WCATY provides enriched and accelerated learning opportunities that stimulate intellectual, social, and emotional growth. Students experience challenge not only… Read more »