The 3M Foundation has provided $50,000 to continue the 3M Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarships at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2012.
Based on the results of a pilot project launched in 2011, the scholarships expand opportunities for students from under-represented populations to enroll in an established program for undergraduates in the sciences, mathematics and engineering. The contribution will allow six students who have an interest in or strong potential for pursuing graduate degrees to participate in a nine-week-long summer research experience under the direction of an appropriate faculty member in one of a number of key disciplines at UW-Madison (Chemistry, Chemical & Biological Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Engineering Physics, Material Science & Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering).
Each student will receive a stipend and all related costs for participation will be covered, such as travel, food, lodging, and materials and equipment needed for his or her research project. The goal is to increase the diversity of young people entering these fields at the graduate student level and serve minority undergraduates enrolled at institutions in the Midwest where they might not otherwise get a research experience.