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Bridging the Divide Between Science and Application

Charles Raison is one of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s best and brightest. Officially, he holds the position of Mary Sue and Mike Shannon Chair for Healthy Minds, Children & Families. In practice, he is a master of connecting ideas, research, and practice, leading the way in novel treatments for treating mental conditions.

College of Engineering Annual Fund

Bold moves. That’s what the College of Engineering is known for making when it comes to the future of research and education. And our faculty, staff, and students are making extraordinary strides to ensure that the college remains a key driver of economic and social progress.

Law School Annual Fund

A transformative life experience – that is what students attending UW Law School can expect. By investing in UW Law, you have the opportunity to improve the quality of the school and the value of a UW Law degree.

School of Education Annual Fund

At the head of the class: where else would you expect to find the School of Education? Consistently ranked one of the top schools of education in the United States, the school is home to 10 departments and a variety of highly regarded programs across the arts, health, and education.