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Roses, Rhythm and Reminiscing Highlight the Annual Spring Band Concert

The April 14-16, 2011 spring Varsity Band concert celebrated the 125th birthday of the Wisconsin Marching Band and a return to the roses. Former “Tonight Show” drummer Ed Shaughnessy joined Professor Mike Leckrone, Varsity Band members and featured guest performers in a program that ranged from ragtime to rock, Motown to Broadway, Sousa to Sinatra, The Four Tops to the Fifth Quarter.

Thank You for Supporting Students Like Marianne and Suchi

When we work together to improve a life, we can improve the future. Below, watch messages from two students about their educational experiences and how your support has made a difference — not only to them, but also to their peers.  Whenever a Badger has risen to a challenge, explored new perspectives, or even saved… Read more »