Tag: 2014 annual report

Morgridge Match Spurs Rapid Growth

The alumni who attended Wisconsin Ideas events in Naples and Milwaukee know that a Bill Cronon talk is a real treat. Cronon wowed the crowds when he spoke about the history of UW-Madison.

Scholarship Gifts Open Doors

When Albert “Ab” Nicholas played guard for the Badger men’s basketball team, an out-of-state student with a minimum-wage job could earn a semester’s tuition at the University of Wisconsin with 280 hours of work. Today it would take nearly a full year, working full time.

Gifts from Alumni Have the Union Reaching New Heights

Accomplished with the assistance of private giving and student fees, the Memorial Union Reinvestment is giving a facelift to the building that has been the campus’s living room for nearly nine decades — the first major renovation in its history.

Seeds for the Future

Throughout 2014, the UW Foundation placed its focus not on the present, but on creating fertile ground for the university’s growth into the future. Increasingly, our eyes have turned toward the coming comprehensive campaign, an effort to help the UW make a major leap forward.

Grainger Gift Engineers a Brighter Future for Engineers

Dan Thoma is looking to redefine the technological age in which we live. “The ages of human development are based on the materials peoples of the day used: the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age,” he told the UW College of Engineering. “Technology is the driver. Materials are the enabler, so that discovery point is really what impacts society.”